кготкыи пака повернувсиа костиакна проты сгазам вджадаи новоркгн псн стекловата мозджы сгозасондж ксл ксф0дж8BY3B93E _кмн4т вы гтмл

кготкыи пака повернувсиа костиакна проты сгазам вджадаи новоркгн псн стекловата мозджы сгозасондж ксл ксф0дж8BY3B93E _кмн4т вы гтмл


Когда в домах появилась елка Издавна у многих народов мира происходило поклонение деревьям. Особенно у южных славян обязательно Рождество сопровождалось "подняком" - полено, у которого хозяин торжественно, со всеми жертвоприношениями - просил прощения, что должен был срубить это дерево, осыпал зерном этот пенек, обмазывал тестом, и потом приносил в дом, где торжественно его сжигали. Эти моменты и вероятно начали использование позже елки. Так постепенно мы и выходим на сегодняшний ритуал – использование елки.

Sprinkling with grain, after the performance of generosity, is always done with a saying:
"Fortunately, for health! births God, rye, wheat and all the arable land! And for us it's a firecracker."
According to the content, nature and purpose of the charity, it is a panegyric-glorious New Year's greeting. They are, as it were, an addendum to Christmas carols and are an integral part of Christmas carols.
Traditional Christmas and New Year rites, carols and Christmas gifts are a real treasury of our people, which you need to get to know deeply.

A week after Christmas Eve, on December 31 (January 13), the Generous Evening was celebrated (the day of the Christian saint Reverend Melania). This day was also called Melanka. According to tradition, the celebration was accompanied by going round the houses to wish people happiness, health and well-being in the New Year. They were also generous with theatrical groups: "Melanka" and "Vasyl" and "Ryazheni". If you compare Christmas carols and Christmas carols ("Chedryk, Chedryk, Chedryvochka, a swallow has flown in"), then the swallows, spring, sowing of rye are mentioned in the carols. This indicates that the ancient Slavs celebrated the beginning of the New Year in the spring.