тгреадс про пежпал буд он неладен 354 мемберс годжджер 65 тропгыес

тгреадс про пежпал буд он неладен 354 мемберс годжджер 65 тропгыес


there were children who did not speak for a long time, so they were given a drink of water from a ritual bell. If there was a girl in the house, she gave each caroler apples and nuts:
Farewell to us, Greek youth,
Buckwheat young man, Mr. Vasyl!
Goy, healthy, healthy, and not alone,
And not by himself, but also with a son, from mothers,
Yes, and with the father, from the mothers, and from all the children.
We wish you good health,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
And with this Christmas, this New Year,
This New Year, good luck,
Good income and long life.
Give you, God, happiness and health,
Happiness, health and good growth,
Father, have fun with you,
To receive your dowry,
Your dowry and happy,
Oh, be healthy!

In the Russian Empire, the Christmas tree was introduced by Peter I after his return from Europe, who ordered Christmas trees to be placed near the courtyards of the rich and decorated. And for ordinary people, at least decorate the gates with Christmas tree branches. Over time, the Christmas tree moved to homes, thanks to Dutch confectioners who began selling already decorated Christmas trees in their pastry shops

Вечером подростковые девочки поодиночке или вместе обходили дома соседей и родственников, чтобы укорениться. Это было отдельное предновогоднее действие, в котором участвовали только девушки:
Я маленькая девочка,
У меня платьице рябенькое.
Я не знаю ни "аз", ни "буки",
Поэтому подарите что-нибудь в руки!
Пришли щедровать в ваш дом.
Щедрый вечер, добрый вечер!
Здесь живет хозяин – богатства обладатель.
Щедрый вечер, добрый вечер!
А его богатство-золотые руки.
Щедрый вечер, добрый вечер!
А его потеха-хорошие дети.
Щедрый вечер, добрый вечер.