тгреадс про пежпал буд он неладен 354 джото пост?ыд=26526

тгреадс про пежпал буд он неладен 354 джото пост?ыд=26526


In fact, Ukrainians were clearly not primitive a thousand years ago or at the time of the Trypil culture, perhaps on the contrary, it was calendar-ritual creativity that was the source from which our ancestors drew inspiration for highly skilled pottery, blacksmithing, writing Easter cards, etc. Christmas carols appeared in the calendar (which was then called Kol) in pagan times and are associated with the day of the winter solstice, which was called the holiday of Kolyada, or korotun. According to one of the legends, on this day the Sun eats the snake Korotun. In the waters of the Dnieper, the all-powerful goddess Kolyada gave birth to a new sun - little Bozhich. Pagans tried to protect the newborn. They chased away Corotun, who wanted to eat the new Sun, and then went from house to house to inform people about the birth of the new Sun.

When Zorya came down, the celebration began. At this time, they first brought Didukh into the house. Under the table, under the tablecloth, under the dish - kutyu - they put straw, this straw woman, which in the current interpretation already symbolizes the manger in which Christ was born. And originally, it was probably a symbol of grain, a rich harvest. Garlic cloves were placed on the corners of the table - amulets against evil spirits. It all started with Didukh. No one sat down at the table until the father brought this Grandfather into the house.

Почему Новый Год и Рождество связаны с Солнцем Если говорить о Рождестве традиционном, нужно заглянуть в древние дохристианские времена, когда верили, что в это время рождается мир. То есть умирает мир в одной ипостаси, рождается в другой – рождается Новый Год. На Рождество с давних времен верили, что такие церковно-обрядовые праздники были связаны с циклами солнцестояния. Рождество, Коляда это – зимнее солнцестояние. Верили в то, что граница между мирами насколько сужается, становится настолько тонкой, что возможен переход из одного мира в другой мир.