тгреадс ызджож 8 557 мемберс жарослав 1027

тгреадс ызджож 8 557 мемберс жарослав 1027


Our distant ancestors tried to protect the newborn. They performed various magical actions, which became the basis of the folk holiday of Kolyada. To this day, carolers walk with a sun-shining "z-vizda", which symbolizes the heavenly body. As soon as the sun rose in the sky, carolers entered the yard, woke up the owner and sang majestic songs about the sun, moon, and stars to his family. These majestic songs in honor of the birth of the new Sun came to be called carols, or carols.

Древние славяне встречали Новый год песнями, плясками, шутками ряженых, веселыми затеями. Этот цикл обрядов получил общее наименование – колядки. Колядовали на Руси с 25 декабря. Наряжались в кожи, надевали страшные маски, ходили по домам, пекли песни. Еще затемно, в раннее новогоднее утро звучал стук в окно или дверь. Хозяева уже догадывались, кто стучит, и гостеприимно открывали дверь. Гости заходили в дом, разбрасывая по дому хлебные зерна и припевая:

In twelve holy nights, the golden-faced God was born - the young Sun - Dazhbog, the silvery Yasn-Moon and the holy Goddess-Mother of Water Dana, which means that everything lives on earth. "The God Kolyada comes into the world with light and good, defeating evil and darkness. In the Christmas of the sun, Kolyada is a festival of the light of Dazhbog, a great festival of Life, a festival of Ancestors, a festival of Happiness and Freedom. Everything on earth: man, all plant and animal life they honor the god Kolyada, the guardian of the young Bozhich-Sun, meeting the birth of the light of Dazhbozhie with the Holy Supper, Holy Thoughts and the Holy Unity of Souls.