форумс вествал 38 мемберс ризгыж лыс 9409

форумс вествал 38 мемберс ризгыж лыс 9409


In ancient times, people could not understand how a person takes iron, which is hard, strong, and transforms it into other objects with the help of fire. It was a very sacred image. Therefore, we have surnames associated with the token "blacksmith" most common throughout the world. In Ukrainian - Koval, Kovalenko, Kovalchuk, etc. In Russia - Kuznetsov, in Poland - Kowalski, in Germany - Schmidt, in England - Smith. This is all related to blacksmithing, because it is the most sacred profession on earth. Remember, for example, fairy tales. Where the blacksmith goes to the Snake to reforge the voice, because it is the blacksmith who can reforge.

Впоследствии с введением на Руси христианской религии как государственной (так называемое "крещение Руси") обряд колядования был приспособлен к празднованию Рождества Христова. Священники и монахи создали новые религиозные колядки с библейскими образами, которые также приобрели большую популярность в народе. За обработку и восстановление колядок брались выдающиеся композиторы: Николай Лысенко, Станислав Людкевич и т.д. В колядках, по традиции, чествовали всех членов семьи: хозяина, хозяйку, парня, девушку. Колядование сочеталось с соответствующим театрализованным представлением, танцами, музыкой. Колядовали группами, предварительно распределив обязанности: атаман "береза", "звездочет", "михоноша" и "ряженые".

Subsequently, with the introduction of the Christian religion as a state religion in Russia (the so-called "baptism of Russia"), the rite of caroling was adapted to the celebration of Christmas. Priests and monks created new religious carols with biblical images, which also gained great popularity among the people. Prominent composers undertook the processing and restoration of carols: Mykola Lysenko, Stanislav Lyudkevich, and others. In carols, according to tradition, all members of the family were honored: the master, the mistress, the boyfriend, the girlfriend. The caroling was combined with a corresponding theatrical performance, dances, and music. They caroled in groups, having previously distributed responsibilities: chieftain "birch", "star", "mihonosha" and "ryajeni". Metropolitan Vasyl Lypkivskyi described Christmas carols as follows in his Christmas sermon "The Meaning of Christmas Carols":