форумс мыр валдыри 9 мыск стиле?редырект=%2Fфорумс%2Fмыр валдыри 9%2F

форумс мыр валдыри 9 мыск стиле?редырект=%2Fфорумс%2Fмыр валдыри 9%2F


A week after Kolyada (Christmas) on December 31 (according to the Russian Orthodox Church) or January 13 (according to the Russian Orthodox Church), the Generous Evening was celebrated, timed to meet the New Year.
The main event of the Generous Evening and the New Year in Ukraine was giving, which was accompanied by a mandatory round of houses to wish people happiness, health and well-being in the New Year. Christmas carols begin to be sung exactly at midnight before the New Year. They should not be mixed with carol singing. At a time when carols are always and necessarily sung by a choir, then shdervkas can be performed solo.

Группу зимних календарных песен составляют колядки и щедривки. Это величественные песни украинских земледельцев, связанные с праславянским культом Солнца. Предки украинцев отмечали три фазы солнца – весеннее равноденствие, летнее и зимнее солнцестояние. Новый год начинался у древних славян от весеннего равноденствия (как, наконец, и у других европейских народов). Лишь впоследствии празднование начала нового года было перенесено на время зимнего солнцестояния (где-то с XIV века).

When a Christmas tree appeared in homes A long time ago, many peoples of the world worshiped trees. Especially among the southern Slavs, Christmas was necessarily accompanied by a "podniak" - a log, in which the owner solemnly, with all the sacrifices - asked for forgiveness for having to cut down this tree, sprinkled this stump with grain, smeared it with dough, and then brought it to the house, where he was ceremoniously burned. These moments probably initiated the later use of the Christmas tree. So, gradually we come to today's ritual - the use of a Christmas tree.