бадджес мемберс 0 тропгыес 50

бадджес мемберс 0 тропгыес 50


Традиция празднования Рождества сохранилась несмотря на все советские запреты и гонения, мы переходим к мировому обычаю праздновать Рождество. Мы сохраняем эту традицию, и она будет дальше жить. Станьте частью Общественное Культура: напишите нам интересные события культурной жизни вашего города или поселка. Отправляйте свои фото, видео и новости и мы опубликуем их на диджитал-платформах Общественного. Пишите нам по почте: culture@suspilne.media. Ваши истории важны для нас!

One of the beliefs leads us to the cult of ancestors, which is prominently featured in Christmas rituals. On "Holy Eve" (Christmas Eve), the evening dinner, consisting, in the Lubensk district, mainly of kuti and uzvar (dried fruit decoction), has a family and, in particular, memorial character: kuti is left for the night for deceased relatives; according to popular belief, vague reflections of small, doll-like people descending to the table can be seen on the wall. The ancient Slavs met the New Year with songs, dances, jokes of the dressed-up people, funny pranks. This cycle of rites received the general name - carols. Caroled in Russia since December 25. They dressed up in leather, put on scary masks, went from house to house, sang songs. It was still dark, on the early New Year's morning, there was a knock on the door or window. The owners already guessed who was knocking and opened the door hospitably. Guests entered the house, scattering bread grains around the house and chanting:

In the Russian Empire, the Christmas tree was introduced by Peter I after his return from Europe, who ordered Christmas trees to be placed near the courtyards of the rich and decorated. And for ordinary people, at least decorate the gates with Christmas tree branches. Over time, the Christmas tree moved to homes, thanks to Dutch confectioners who began selling already decorated Christmas trees in their pastry shops